Ready to benefit from black sesame seeds?
You’ve come to the right place!
We’ll take a quick and fun look at what makes them different, and, most importantly, we’ll explore just the top ten health benefits of black sesame seeds.
We’ve even posted an informative infographic and video. At the end, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions!
Some Basic Information on Black Sesame Seeds
Black sesame seeds are recognized as one of the oldest and most useful seeds known to mankind. These small, oval, flat seeds come from the sesame plant, a flowering plant that belongs to the Pedaliaceae family.
The sesame seed pods naturally burst open when they mature – a distinctive feature from which the famous phrase “open sesame” of Arabian Nights popularity comes from.
Compared to other seeds, black sesame seeds (scientific name: Sesamun indicum) are known to have the most oil content. The oil is known to stay fresh longer; it does not easily turn rancid.
The seeds have a subtle nutty flavor, which becomes a little more pronounced when you roast the seeds. People like the seeds for their nutty taste, as well as for their delicate, almost imperceptible crunch because of being so tiny.
Sesame seeds come in several varieties – brown, yellow, black, and white. Black sesame seeds have a more intense flavor and aroma than the others.
They are also the preferred variety for medicinal use and alternative health benefits. Chinese herbal medicine has been known to use the seeds for ages for their nutritional and therapeutic properties.
Black sesame seeds may be small, but they are packed with nutrients. They are rich in vitamins B and E and thiamine. They contain minerals like copper, manganese, selenium, molybdenum, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, as well as tryptophan, an amino acid.
They contain the lignans sesamolin and sesamin, which are effective antioxidants. They are rich in fiber and phytochemicals (phytosterol). It is not surprising to find that an increasing number of people use the seeds to promote health.
What are the health benefits of black sesame seeds?
1. Anti-aging properties.
Chinese herbal medicine recommends the use of the seeds to delay and even reverse common signs of aging, like loss of hearing, poor memory, grey hair, and poor eyesight.
The iron and B vitamins in the seeds help fight these age-related symptoms.
The seeds help prevent the formation of unsightly pigments and wrinkles. They protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Who isn’t interested in better skin and hair?
And women will be interested to know that black sesame seeds have benefits on balancing sex hormone levels, especially in post-menopausal women, according to this study.
2. Healthy skin and bones.
The calcium in these seeds helps keep bones strong. The zinc helps to strengthen the bones and to increase bone density. The seeds are especially recommended for older men and postmenopausal women who are high-risk candidates for osteoporosis.
Rich in Vitamin E, the seeds also keep the skin vibrant and healthy. Massaging the skin gently with moisturizers to which sesame oil has been added has been found helpful in promoting youthful supple skin.
Sesame oil is recommended for use on babies. A soft gentle massage with the oil helps babies to sleep better. The oil is also helpful for protecting delicate skin against rashes.
3. Good for the heart.
The seeds are rich in sesamolin and sesamin, substances recognized for their ability to lower levels of cholesterol. They also contain magnesium which helps check the rise of blood pressure.
Research shows that of all the seeds and nuts commonly consumed in the United States, sesame seeds contain the highest amount of phytosterols, in addition to several other bioactive components with major health benefits.
Phytosterols lower cholesterol levels. Phytosterols from plants and cholesterol from animals have a similar chemical structure. Both go through the body through the same mechanisms – but the body can only absorb so much.
If you eat food dense in phytosterols, you tend to absorb a smaller amount of cholesterol. You lessen your LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels – and reduce the risk of heart disease.
4. Protect against disease.
The antioxidants (fiber and lignans) and phytochemicals (phytosterol) in the seeds provide protection against certain diseases, like disease of the colon. The seeds also contain sesamin, which protects the liver from the damaging effects of free radicals.
Having a healthy liver enables the body to detoxify and fight diseases like disease. This published study shows that black sesame seeds are a fantastic source of the mammalian lignans enterolactone and enterodiol, which are suggested to have possible anti-disease effects on the body.
Phytosterols further lower the risk of disease by strengthening the immune system.
5. Promote digestive health.
The seeds relieve indigestion and constipation. They contain healthy oils that help lubricate the intestines.
The seeds also provide the dietary fiber necessary for healthy digestion. Wanting to get regular and stay regular? Black sesame seeds can help with that!
A common beneficial side effect of healthy digestion is weight loss. A true win-win! Adding high-protein seeds to your diet will no doubt also help you feel more satisfied with smaller portions.
6. Aid in lactation.
The seeds are a great help for nursing mothers. Why? They increase the supply of breast milk.
The calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, B vitamins, unsaturated fat, and protein in the seeds are all beneficial, particularly to women who are lactating.
Looking to increase your production of breast milk? The tiny black sesame seed is here to help!
7. Reduce anxiety.
The magnesium and calcium in sesame seeds relieve anxiety and stress, though admittedly you need to eat a lot of them for quite some time to see the real benefits.
The tryptophan and thiamine in the seeds help in the production of serotonin, a compound present in the human body that helps reduce pain, balance moods, and make deep slumber possible.
Proper, healthy levels of serotonin also aid in mood, libido, energy, appetite, and anxiety.
8. Relieve the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
The seeds are rich in copper, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to counter the difficulties presented by the disease.
The mineral also helps the enzyme lysyl oxidase to cross-link elastin and collagen, the substances that provide elasticity, strength, and structure to the joints, bones, and blood vessels.
As we age, these become more and more important to our health.
9. Increase respiratory and vascular health.
Do you suffer from asthma? The magnesium in the seeds prevents airway spasm in asthmatic patients. Got high blood pressure? It also lowers blood pressure, thus helping protect against diabetic heart disease, stroke, and heart attack.
It prevents trigeminal spasms of the blood vessels that initiate migraine episodes. It helps restore sleep patterns to normal, thus helping menopausal women get the rest and sleep that oftentimes elude them because of their condition.
10. High in beneficial calcium
The calcium in black sesame seeds helps prevent a variety of problems, including premenstrual syndrome and migraine headaches.
Along with healthy amounts of calcium, they also contain iron, vitamin B1, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and dietary fiber which aid sufferers of PMS.
How To Eat Black Sesame Seeds
There are many ways to include black sesame seeds in your diet so you can enjoy their health benefits.
You can bake them sprinkled on top of breads like bagels, and enjoy their nutty flavor and delicate crunch.
You can also sprinkle them over your cereals or salads, or even over desserts like cake and ice-cream. You can blend them into your smoothies or eat them with yoghurt, quite like chia seeds.
More and more people are recognizing the nourishing health benefits that come from the use of black sesame seeds. They are a very popular health food of today, along with turmeric, honey, garlic, lemon, and green tea.
How can you not get excited about a simple, affordable food that can help you live a longer and healthier life?
Now that we’ve discussed some of the many health benefits of black sesame seeds, let’s answer the four most commonly-asked questions about them!
Are black sesame seeds and nigella seeds the same?
No. While Black Seed (nigella sativa) appears to be very similar to black sesame seeds, they are completely different, as you’ll quickly notice if you compare their taste.
What’s the difference between white and black sesame seeds?
They are primarily the same thing, though some notice a slight difference in taste between the two and claim that the black seeds possess a slightly stronger taste and smell.
The big difference is that black sesame seeds simply still have their shells while white seeds have their’s removed.
Are Black Sesame Seeds good for hair growth?
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda certainly say so! Some have even done a “Grey Hair Challenge” and claim that black sesame seed oil reverses grey hair.
Is it safe to eat raw sesame seeds?
Yes! Black or white, it’s completely safe and healthy to eat raw sesame seeds, though you might find the taste a little stronger and more bitter.
Before you go, take a minute to watch this great video showing many of the wonderful health benefits of black sesame seeds.
And finally, please post a quick comment below with any questions, tips, and experience you’ve had with black sesame seeds. We’d really like to hear what works for you!
do you have any references book or e-book about black sesame? what the different between black and the white one?
The black sesame has more tannins which are one of the primary medicinal compounds it also has a stronger taste. For medicinal use it is best to take the black variety.